A Maharishi Vastu Architecture Community

Important Forms & Information
The important information on this page provides links to the rules and regulations governing North Campus Village. The forms assist with the necessary information for timely communications with residents, and implementation of procedures for the smooth and harmonious running of our community.
If you are a Homeowner in North Campus Village...

This information connects Homeowners to our HOA software for communication with the Board, to pay dues, online, and insure receipt of community emails, important information, and emergency notifications.

New homeowners wanting to bring a pet to the community need to be familiar with NCV pet policy, and to apply and receive approval for all pets from the Board in advance of moving to NCV.

The Design Review Committee (DRC) was established to preserve MSV integrity and ensure a visually pleasing community look. Homeowners need to become familiar what changes require DRC approval.
If you are a Landlord or Tenant in North Campus Village...

Renter contact information is required from all Landlords. The HOA Board needs to be able reach all residents in case of snow plowing, road work, an emergency, etc.

Landlords need to be aware of, and make sure that prospective tenants follow the NCV pet policies for renters.Tenant's pet(s) must be approved by the Board, before signing a lease.

NCV Covenants prohibit short term rentals less than 30 days. Landlords and renters must be aware of and abide by all NCV governing documents, including MIU Verification.
For All Residents in North Campus Village...

NCV Governing Documents
All homeowners and renters should become familiar with NCV Covenants, ByLaws and Board Resolutions, and Compliance Policy which are the basis of the rules and regulations of North Campus Village.
All new prospective residents must be in compliance with NCV Covenant 9.1 at time of residency in NCV. Verification by MIU is required before any sales or rental agreement can be completed.
NCV Covenant 6.17 prohibits
Smart Meters for electric, gas, and water usage in NCV except as required by the utility company for solar users or commercial companies that service NCV.
North Campus Village l 2050 Sapphire Lane #3 l Fairfield, IA 52556 l ncvhoa-board@northcampusvillage.com